Our Services

The Ocelli Group provides our clients access to ESG-first suppliers via strategic evaluation, selection, and performance monitoring.

  • We provide access to leading ESG Consultancies. The practitioners deliver guidance on ESG compliance to help businesses meet their ESG obligations and avoid costly fines and penalties. This enables businesses to improve their reputation with stakeholders, attract and retain customers, and increase their market share:

    Materiality assessments

    Stakeholder engagement

    Goals and targets

    Performance metrics


  • AI, measurement, and reporting platforms are playing a transformative role in the field of ESG, revolutionising how companies manage, measure, and improve their environmental, social, and governance performance:

    Data Collection and Management

    Risk Management and Mitigation

    Performance Measurement and Improvement

    Reporting and Disclosures

    Stakeholder Engagement

  • Once the above work has been implemented, we connect organisations with specialist agencies to communicate their ESG commitments to their stakeholders, crafting clear, concise, and accurate messaging proven to resonate with their audience.

    This transparency can help businesses build trust with their stakeholders, attract and retain customers, and boost their long-term profitability:

    Sustainability: Environmental initiatives, Resource management, Emissions reduction, and Biodiversity.

    Social: Labor practices, Human rights, Product safety and quality, Community engagement

    Governance: Corporate ethics and compliance, Board diversity and oversight, Executive compensation, Sustainability governance

What we offer

Are you a company that is looking to execute your ESG strategies but doesn't know how to find the right suppliers? If so, you're not alone.

A study by the Carbon Disclosure Project found that only 20% of companies have a comprehensive approach to ESG supplier management.

That's where The Ocelli Group comes in. We connect organisations with vetted suppliers committed to ESG best practices.

We have a Hive of experts with years of experience within the ESG space, and we use our knowledge to match organisations with the right suppliers for them, based on their strategic priorities.

We believe that ESG leadership is essential for businesses of all sizes, but especially for those with over 100 employees.

By working with us, you can be sure that you are selecting suppliers who are committed to making a positive impact on your business, the environment, and society.

The Ocelli Service

We help businesses identify and select ESG-committed suppliers, providing them with a list of pre-vetted vendors that meet their specific criteria. This can help businesses improve their ESG performance, reduce their risk, and attract more talent, customers, and investors.

The Ocelli Partner Ecosystem

We offer access to leading ESG consultancies, data platforms, and communications agencies to ensure our clients are working with vetted suppliers who genuinely care about the achievement of environmental, social, and governance transformations. .

  • We provide advice and guidance on ESG compliance to help businesses meet their ESG obligations and avoid costly fines and penalties. This can help businesses improve their reputation with stakeholders, attract and retain customers, and increase their market share.

    Materiality assessment, Stakeholder engagement, Goals and targets, Performance metrics, Assurance

  • We help businesses onboard new suppliers and train their employees on ESG compliance, providing them with the resources they need to meet their ESG obligations. This can assist businesses avoid costly fines and penalties, improve their reputation with stakeholders, while attracting and retaining customers.

  • We track the performance of our clients' suppliers and provide them with feedback on their ESG performance, helping them identify areas where they can improve. This can result in organisations saving money on their procurement costs and strengthening their bottom line while improve their social responsibility,

  • We provide advice and guidance on ESG compliance to help businesses meet their ESG obligations and avoid costly fines and penalties. This can help businesses improve their reputation with stakeholders, attract and retain customers, and increase their market share.

    Materiality assessment, Stakeholder engagement, Goals and targets, Performance metrics, Assurance

  • We help businesses prepare ESG reports that comply with industry standards, providing them with the resources they need to communicate their ESG performance effectively. This can help businesses meet their ESG goals through org-wide visibility and achieve their targets within:

    Sustainability: Climate Change, Resource Management, Pollution Control, and Biodiversity.

    Social: Labor practices, Human rights, Product safety and quality, Community engagement

    Governance: Corporate ethics and compliance, Board diversity and oversight, Executive compensation, Sustainability governance

  • We help businesses communicate their ESG commitments to their stakeholders, crafting clear and concise messaging that resonates with their audience. This can help businesses build trust with their stakeholders, attract and retain customers, and boost their long-term profitability.

“We can no longer afford to assume that addressing climate change is the sole responsibility of national or local governments, or corporations or individuals. This is an everyone-everywhere mission in which we all must individually and collectively assume responsibility.”

— Christiana Figueres, former Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.